
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 99121770

The HS Code 99121770 corresponds to a specific product description known as MA goods in subheading 1901.90.54 or 1901.90.58, subject to note 12 (c) TRQ. This code is used to classify and identify the product for international trade purposes.

When it comes to trade, countries have to follow certain rules and regulations to ensure fair and equal treatment for everyone involved. One of these rules is the bound / MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate. This means that every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. This ensures that no country is given preferential treatment over others.

The quantity unit for the product classified under HS Code 99121770 is not available (NA). This means that the specific unit of measurement for this product is not specified or relevant in this case.

There is a special tariff preference program applicable to this product, which is 23.7 cents/kg + 8.5% (MA). This means that the import duty rate for this product is calculated based on the weight of the goods (23.7 cents per kilogram) plus an additional 8.5% of the total value. The abbreviation "MA" refers to the specific tariff preference program, which in this case stands for Morocco Special Rate.

When importing goods classified under HS Code 99121770, it is important to consider the specific regulations and requirements of both the importing and exporting US states. These regulations can vary from state to state and may include additional documentation, inspections, or fees.

the HS Code 99121770 is used to classify and identify a specific product known as MA goods in subheading 1901.90.54 or 1901.90.58, subject to note 12 (c) TRQ. This code is important for international trade as it ensures fair and equal treatment among trading partners. It is also important to consider the special tariff preference program and any specific regulations of the importing and exporting US states when dealing with goods classified under this HS code.

More on HS code 99121770
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