
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 99129554: MA Other Peaches/Nectarines in Subheading 2008.70.10>=33?/kg< 49.5?/kg

The HS Code 99129554 refers to a specific product category within the international Harmonized System (HS) of product classification. In this case, it represents "MA Other Peaches/Nectarines" falling under subheading 2008.70.10 with a weight range of >=33?/kg and < 49.5?/kg.

The HS Code is an internationally recognized system used to classify and categorize traded goods. It helps in standardizing the identification and classification of products for customs and trade purposes. Each HS Code corresponds to a specific product or group of products, making it easier for countries to track and regulate trade in a uniform manner.

When importing or exporting goods, it is crucial to correctly identify the HS Code for accurate customs clearance and tariff determination. The HS Code provides essential information about the nature, composition, and characteristics of the product being traded.

Bound / MFN duty rate is an important aspect associated with HS Codes. It represents the tariff rate that a country imposes on imported goods from all its trading partners. Whenever a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up its market, it must do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners, ensuring fair and equal treatment.

In the case of HS Code 99129554, the specific bound / MFN duty rate may vary depending on the country. It is advisable to consult the relevant customs authorities or trade organizations to determine the exact duty rate applicable to this product category.

The quantity unit for HS Code 99129554 is not available (NA), indicating that the specific unit of measurement for trading this product is not specified or may vary depending on the situation. It is essential to clarify the quantity unit with the relevant trade partners or customs authorities to ensure accurate trade transactions.

Special tariff preference programs can also apply to HS Code 99129554. In the case of this product category, there is a specific special rate of 16% for imports from Morocco (MA). This special rate may be part of a bilateral trade agreement or preferential trade program between the importing country and Morocco. Such programs aim to promote trade and economic cooperation between the participating countries.

Importing and exporting of HS Code 99129554 can occur between various US states. The specific states involved in importing or exporting this product category may vary depending on market demand, availability, and regional preferences. It is advisable to consult trade statistics or market reports to identify the major importing and exporting US states for MA Other Peaches/Nectarines.

HS Code 99129554 represents MA Other Peaches/Nectarines falling under subheading 2008.70.10 with a weight range of >=33?/kg and < 49.5?/kg. It is essential to accurately identify and classify the HS Code for proper customs clearance and tariff determination. The bound / MFN duty rate ensures fair and equal treatment for traded goods, while special tariff preference programs may offer specific benefits for certain trading partners. Understanding the HS Code and associated information is crucial for successful international trade transactions.

More on HS code 99129554
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