
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 99140439

The HS Code 99140439 refers to a specific product description of BH goods in subheading 0405.20.70 or 2106.90.66 over note 7 TRQ. This code is used for classification and identification purposes in international trade.

When it comes to international trade, the HS Code plays a crucial role in ensuring a standardized system for classifying and tracking goods. It is a harmonized commodity description and coding system developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO). The HS Code consists of a six-digit number, which is further expanded to include additional digits for more precise classification.

In the case of HS Code 99140439, the product falls under the subheadings 0405.20.70 or 2106.90.66. These subheadings provide more specific details about the nature and characteristics of the goods being traded. Subheading 0405.20.70 relates to dairy spreads, while subheading 2106.90.66 pertains to other food preparations not elsewhere specified or included.

One important aspect to consider when dealing with international trade is the bound / MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate. This rate refers to the rate of duty that a country applies to imported goods from its trading partners. The principle behind the bound / MFN duty rate is that whenever a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it must do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. This ensures fair and equal treatment for all countries involved in international trade.

Unfortunately, the specific bound / MFN duty rate for HS Code 99140439 is not available in the provided data. However, it is important to note that the duty rates can vary depending on the country of import and export. It is always advisable to consult the official customs tariff of the respective countries to determine the applicable duty rates for a particular product.

Another relevant piece of information provided is the special tariff preference programs for HS Code 99140439. The data states that the tariff rate for this product is 42.2 cents/kg plus 5.1% for Bahrain (BH). This indicates that Bahrain has a special rate for this specific product, which may have been negotiated through a preferential trade agreement or other trade arrangements.

It is worth mentioning that the quantity unit for HS Code 99140439 is not available in the provided data. The quantity unit refers to the unit of measurement used for quantifying the goods being traded, such as kilograms, liters, or pieces. The absence of this information makes it difficult to determine the specific quantity or volume associated with this HS Code.

HS Code 99140439 is used to classify BH goods in subheading 0405.20.70 or 2106.90.66 over note 7 TRQ. The specific details regarding bound / MFN duty rate and quantity unit are not available in the provided data. However, it is important to be aware of the special tariff preference programs, such as the 42.2 cents/kg plus 5.1% rate for Bahrain, which may apply to this product. When engaging in international trade, it is crucial to consult the official customs tariffs and regulations to ensure compliance and accurate calculation of duties and taxes.

More on HS code 99140439
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