
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 99160451: A Comprehensive Guide to Oman Goods in Subheading 2105.00.40

HS Code 99160451 refers to a specific classification for Oman goods falling under subheading 2105.00.40. This code is used to identify and categorize these goods for international trade purposes. In this article, we will explore the details of this HS code and provide valuable information for importers and exporters.

Product Description

The product description for HS Code 99160451 is Oman goods in subheading 2105.00.40. This subheading is a part of the broader Harmonized System (HS) classification, which is an internationally recognized system for classifying traded products. Subheading 2105.00.40 specifically relates to preparations of vegetables, fruit, nuts, or other parts of plants.

When importing or exporting goods under this HS code, it is important to pay attention to the product description to ensure that the goods meet the specified criteria.

Bound / MFN Duty Rate

Bound / MFN duty rate refers to the rate of duty or tax that is applied to the imported goods. The term "MFN" stands for Most Favored Nation, which means that every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners.

For HS Code 99160451, the bound / MFN duty rate will depend on the specific country and its trade policies. Importers and exporters should consult the customs regulations of the relevant countries to determine the applicable duty rates for Oman goods in subheading 2105.00.40.

Quantity Unit

The quantity unit for HS Code 99160451 is not specified in the available data. It is essential for importers and exporters to know the quantity unit to accurately measure and trade the goods. It could be kilograms (kg), liters (L), pieces (pcs), or any other appropriate unit of measurement.

When dealing with Oman goods in subheading 2105.00.40, it is recommended to check the specific quantity unit requirements of the importing and exporting countries to ensure compliance with their regulations.

Special Tariff Preference Programs

Special tariff preference programs are trade agreements or arrangements that provide certain benefits or concessions to eligible countries or products. These programs aim to promote economic cooperation, development, and trade between participating nations.

For HS Code 99160451, importers and exporters should explore the availability of special tariff preference programs that may apply to Oman goods in subheading 2105.00.40. These programs can potentially reduce or eliminate the duty rates, making the trade more favorable and cost-effective.

Importing and Exporting US States

The specific data regarding the importing and exporting US states for HS Code 99160451 is not provided. However, it is worth noting that the United States is a significant player in international trade and has various ports and states engaged in import and export activities.

Importers and exporters dealing with Oman goods in subheading 2105.00.40 should consider the logistics, transportation, and customs procedures associated with the specific US states involved in the trade. It is crucial to comply with the regulations and requirements of the respective states to ensure smooth and efficient trade operations.

HS Code 99160451 represents Oman goods in subheading 2105.00.40. Importers and exporters should understand the product description, bound / MFN duty rate, quantity unit, special tariff preference programs, and the importing and exporting US states related to this HS code. By staying informed and following the necessary regulations, businesses can successfully engage in international trade and benefit from the opportunities it offers.

More on HS code 99160451
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