Type | Information |
HS Code | 42029930 (4202.99.30) |
Product description |
Cases, bags & sim. cont., nesi, of mat. (o/t lea., plas. shtng., tex. mat., vul. fib. or paperbd.), pap. cov., of wood, lined with tex. fab. HS code 420299000 refers to `other bags and cases, with outer surface of leather, composition leather or patent leather.` These goods are typically used for carrying personal items such as purses, briefcases, and luggage. |
Bound? | Free Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners
Quantity unit | number (NO) |
MFN duty rate | Free Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners.
Special tariff preference programs | |
Importing US states 420299 |
Exporting US states 420299 |
Code in major importing and exporting languages |
Similar: 42029100-cases-bags-and-containers-nesi-with-outer 42029204-insulated-beverage-bag-w outer-surface-textiles 42029208-insulated-food-or-beverage-bags-with-outer 42029210-insulated-food-or-beverage-bags-with-outer 42029215-travel-sports-and-similar-bags-with-outer 42029220-travel-sports-and-similar-bags-with-outer 42029230-travel-sports-and-similar-bags-with-outer 42029245-travel-sports-and-similar-bags-with-outer 42029250-musical-instrument-cases-with-outer-surface-of 42029260-bags-cases-and-similar-containers-nesi-with 42029290-bags-cases-and-similar-containers-nesi-with 42029910-cases-bags-and-sim-containers-nesi-of-mat 42029920-cases- -sim-cont--nesi-of-mat--o t-lea 42029930-cases-bags- -sim-cont--nesi-of-mat--o t 42029950-cases-bags- -sim-cont--nesi-of-mat--o t 42029990-cases-bags-and-similar-containers-nesi-with Cases bags sim. cont. nesi mat. o t lea. plas. shtng. tex. vul. fib. paperbd. pap. cov. wood lined with fab. More on HS code 42029930 |