
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

Type Information
HS Code 48232010 (4823.20.10)
Product description Paint filters and strainers of paper or paperboard

HS code 482320100 refers to paper bags, and they are commonly used for carrying groceries and other items. These bags are environmentally friendly alternatives to plastic bags.
Bound? Free
Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners
Quantity unit kilograms (KG)
MFN duty rate Free
Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners.
Special tariff preference programs
Importing US states
Exporting US states
Code in major importing and exporting languages
  • الطلاء الفلاتر والمصافي من ورق أو ورق مقوى
  • Malen Filter und Siebe aus Papier oder Pappe
  • Pintura filtros y coladores de papel o cartón
  • Peinture filtres et filtres en papier ou carton
  • फिल्टर और कागज या गत्ते की छलनी पेंट
  • 紙または板紙のフィルターとストレーナーをペイント
  • 지 또는 판지의 필터와 스트레이너 페인트
  • Pintar filtros e filtros de papel ou cartão
  • Краска фильтры и фильтры из бумаги или картона
  • 涂料纸或纸板过滤器和过滤器
More on HS code 48232010
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