Type | Information |
HS Code | 61161044 (6116.10.44) |
Product description |
Gloves, mittens & mitts(excl sports), impreg etc, cut & sewn from pre-exist non-veg fib impreg fab, w/o fourch, con ov 50% wt plast/rub k/c HS code 611610000 refers to knitted or crocheted blouses and shirts for women or girls. These goods are typically made of cotton or synthetic fibers and can be worn for both casual and formal occasions. |
Bound? | 9.9% Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners
Quantity unit | dozen pairs (DPR) |
MFN duty rate | 9.9% Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners.
Special tariff preference programs | Free (AU,BH,CA,CL,IL,J+,JO,MX,OM,P,PE,SG) 8.9% (E) 1% (MA) Detail: Free : Australia Special Rate Bahrain Special Rate NAFTA for Canada (duty-free treatment) Chile Special Rate Israel Special Rate (duty-free treatment) Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA) Jordan Special Rate NAFTA for Mexico Oman Special Rate Dominican Republic-Central American Special Rate (DR-CAFTA) Peru Special Rate Singapore Special Rate 8.9% : Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI) 1% : Morocco Special Rate |
Importing US states 611610 |
Exporting US states 611610 |
Code in major importing and exporting languages |
Similar: 61161005-ice-hockey-and-field-hockey-gloves-knitted-or 61161008-other-gloves-mittens-and-mitts-the-foregoing 61161013-gloves-mittens- -mitts-w o-four--k c-coated 61161017-gloves-mittens- -mitts-w o-four--k c-coated 61161044-gloves-mittens- -mitts-excl-sports--impreg-etc 61161048-gloves-mittens- -mitts-excl-sports--impreg-etc 61161055-gloves-mittens- -mitts-excl-ports--impreg-etc 61161065-gloves-mittens- -mitts-excl-sports--impreg-etc 61161075-gloves-mittens- -mitts-excl-sports--impreg-etc 61161095-gloves-mittens- -mitts-excl-sports--impreg-etc Gloves mittens mitts excl sports impreg etc cut sewn from pre-exist non-veg fib fab w o fourch con ov 50% wt plast rub k c More on HS code 61161044 |