Type | Information |
HS Code | 61169288 (6116.92.88) |
Product description |
Gloves, mittens & mitts, (excl. ski or snowmobile), k/c, of cotton, not made from a pre-existing machine knit fabric, w/o fourchettes HS code 611692000 refers to knitted or crocheted gloves, mittens, and mitts. These goods are typically made from wool, acrylic, or other yarns and provide warmth and protection for the hands in cold weather. |
Bound? | 9.4% Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners
Quantity unit | dozen pairs (DPR) |
MFN duty rate | 9.4% Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners.
Special tariff preference programs | Free (AU,BH,CA,CL,IL,JO,MX,OM,P,PE,SG) 7.4% (E) 0.9% (MA) Detail: Free : Australia Special Rate Bahrain Special Rate NAFTA for Canada (duty-free treatment) Chile Special Rate Israel Special Rate (duty-free treatment) Jordan Special Rate NAFTA for Mexico Oman Special Rate Dominican Republic-Central American Special Rate (DR-CAFTA) Peru Special Rate Singapore Special Rate 7.4% : Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI) 0.9% : Morocco Special Rate |
Importing US states 611692 |
Exporting US states 611692 |
Code in major importing and exporting languages |
Similar: 61169995-gloves-mittens-and-mitts-of-textile 61169100-gloves-mittens-and-mitts-knitted-or-crocheted 61169205-ice-hockey-and-field-hockey-gloves-knitted-or 61169208-gloves-etc--specially-designed-for-sports 61169264-gloves-mittens- -mitts--excl-ski-or 61169274-gloves-mittens- -mitts-excl-ski-or 61169288-gloves-mittens- -mitts--excl-ski-or 61169294-gloves-mittens- -mitts-of-cotton-k c-not 61169305-ice-hockey-and-field-hockey-gloves-knitted-or 61169308-gloves-mittens- -mitts-for-sports-use--incl 61169364-gloves-mittens- -mitts-excl-those-designed-for 61169374-gloves-mittens- -mitts-excl-those-designed-for 61169388-gloves-mittens- -mitts-excl-those-designed-for 61169394-gloves-mittens- -mitts-excl-those-designed-for 61169920-ice-hockey-and-field-hockey-gloves-knitted-or 61169935-gloves-mittens- -mitts-specially-designed-for 61169948-gloves-mittens- -mitts-excl-those-designed-for 61169954-gloves-mittens- -mitts-excl-those-designed-for 61169975-gloves-mittens-and-mitts-of-textile Gloves mittens mitts excl. ski snowmobile k c cotton not made from pre-existing machine knit fabric w o fourchettes More on HS code 61169288 |