
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

Type Information
HS Code 64029110 (6402.91.10)
Product description Footwear w/outer soles & uppers of rubber or plastics, nesoi, w/metal toe-cap, designed as a protection against liquids, chemicals, weather

HS code 640291080 covers men`s shoes with uppers of leather. These shoes are typically designed for dress or formal occasions. They may feature laces or other closures, and are often made with high-quality materials and construction.
Bound? 37.5%
Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners
Quantity unit pairs (PRS)
MFN duty rate 37.5%
Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners.
Special tariff preference programs Free (CA,D,IL,JO,MX,R) 15% (AU) 18.70% (BH) 22.50% (CL) 16.60% (MA) 30% (OM,PE) 5.40% (P) 11.20% (SG)


Free :
NAFTA for Canada (duty-free treatment)

Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) (duty-free treatment)

Israel Special Rate (duty-free treatment)

Jordan Special Rate

NAFTA for Mexico

Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBTPA)

15% :
Australia Special Rate

18.70% :
Bahrain Special Rate

22.50% :
Chile Special Rate

16.60% :
Morocco Special Rate

30% :
Oman Special Rate

Peru Special Rate

5.40% :
Dominican Republic-Central American Special Rate (DR-CAFTA)

11.20% :
Singapore Special Rate

Importing US states
  • Arkansas
Exporting US states
Code in major importing and exporting languages
  • الأحذية ث / بنعال خارجية ووجوه من مطاط أو اللدائن، أخر، ث / معدن اصبع القدم كأب، والتي صممت لتكون حماية ضد السوائل، والمواد الكيميائية، والطقس
  • Fußbekleidung w / Laufsohlen und Oberteil aus Gummi oder Kunststoff, nesoi, w / Metall-Zehenkappe, entworfen als Schutz gegen Flüssigkeiten, Chemikalien, Wetter
  • Calzado w / suela y parte superior de caucho o plástico, nep, w / puntera de metal, diseñado como una protección contra líquidos, productos químicos, tiempo
  • Chaussures w / semelles extérieures et dessus en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques, nda, w / embout de métal, conçu comme une protection contre des liquides, des produits chimiques, météo
  • 履物ワット/液体、化学薬品、天候に対する保護として設計された外側の底&ゴムやプラスチックの甲、nesoi、ワット/金属のつま先キャップ、
  • 신발 w / 액체, 화학, 날씨에 대한 보호로 설계 바깥 바닥 및 고무 또는 플라스틱의 갑피, 기타의, w / 금속 발가락 캡,
  • 鞋类瓦特/外底和橡胶或塑料的鞋面,我要留言,瓦特/金属鞋头,设计为对液体,化学物质,气候保护
64029105-footwear-w outer-soles-of-rubber-or-plastics
64029110-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029116-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029120-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029126-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029130-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029140-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029150-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029160-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029170-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029180-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029190-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029904-footwear-w outer-soles-of-rubber-or-plastics
64029908-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029912-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029916-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029919-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029921-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029923-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029925-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029927-sandals-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029931-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029933-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029940-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029960-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029970-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029980-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
64029990-footwear-w outer-soles- -uppers-of-rubber-or
More on HS code 64029110
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