Type | Information |
HS Code | 73042941 (7304.29.41) |
Product description |
Alloy (other than stainless) steel, seamless casing pipe, not threaded or coupled, of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas HS code 730429610 refers to stainless steel tubes and pipes. These goods are commonly used in the construction industry for building structures such as bridges and buildings. They are durable and resistant to corrosion, making them ideal for outdoor applications. |
Bound? | Free Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners
Quantity unit | kilograms (KG) |
MFN duty rate | Free Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners.
Special tariff preference programs | |
Importing US states 730429 |
Exporting US states 730429 |
Code in major importing and exporting languages |
Similar: 73042200-stainless-steel-seamless-drill-pipe-of-a-kind 73042330-iron-o than-cast-or-nonalloy-steel-seamless 73042360-alloy-other-than-stainless-steel-seamless 73042430-stainless-steel-seamless-casing-pipe-threaded 73042440-stainless-steel-seamless-casing-pipe-not 73042460-stainless-steel-seamless-tubing-of-a-kind-used 73042910-iron-o than-cast-or-nonalloy-steel-seamless 73042920-iron-o than-cast-or-nonalloy-steel-seamless 73042931-alloy-other-than-stainless-steel-seamless 73042941-alloy-other-than-stainless-steel-seamless 73042950-iron-o than-cast-or-nonalloy-seamless-tubing 73042961-alloy-other-than-stainless-steel-seamless Alloy other than stainless steel seamless casing pipe not threaded coupled kind used drilling for oil gas More on HS code 73042941 |