Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description
HS Code
99022344 (9902.23.44)
Product description
Electromechanical juice extractors, each with a self- contained 2-speed electric motor rated at 800 W or higher (in 8509.40.00)
Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners
Quantity unit
not available (NA)
MFN duty rate
Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners.
Special tariff preference programs
Importing US states 990223
Exporting US states 990223
Code in major importing and exporting languages
عصارات الكهربائية، مع كل الذاتي الواردة 2-سرعة المحرك الكهربائي تقيم في 800 W أو أعلى (في 8509.40.00)
Elektromechanische Saftpressen, die jeweils mit einem in sich geschlossenen 2-Speed-Elektromotor mit 800 W oder höher (in 8509.40.00) bewertet
extractores de zumo electromecánicos, cada uno con un autónomo de motor eléctrico de 2 velocidades tiene una potencia de 800 W o superior (en 8509.40.00)
extracteurs de jus électromécaniques, chacun avec un auto-moteur électrique 2-vitesse nominale de 800 W ou plus (en 8509.40.00)
自己各(8509.40.00に)800 W以上で定格2速電動モータを含ま電気ジュース抽出器、
전자 즙 추출기, 자체 - 각각 2 전동기 속도가 800 W 이상 (8509.40.00을)에서 정격 포함
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