Type | Information |
HS Code | 73062130 (7306.21.30) |
Product description |
Welded stainless steel, w/ext. diam 406.4mm or less or o/than circ. x-sect, threaded/coupled, casing of kind used in drilling for oil/gas HS code 730621350 refers to stainless steel tubes and pipes for use in boilers, superheaters, and heat exchangers. These goods are essential components in the construction of industrial equipment for heat transfer. The tubes and pipes must meet strict standards for durability and resistance to corrosion. |
Bound? | Free Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners
Quantity unit | kilograms (KG) |
MFN duty rate | Free Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners.
Special tariff preference programs | |
Importing US states 730621 |
Exporting US states 730621 |
Code in major importing and exporting languages |
Similar: 73062130-welded-stainless-steel--w ext-diam-406-4mm-or 73062140-welded-stainless-steel--w ext-diam-406-4mm-or 73062180-welded-stainless-steel--w ext-diam-406-4mm-or 73062910-iron-or-nonalloy-steel-seamed-w ext-diam 73062920-iron-or-nonalloy-steel-seamed-w ext-diam 73062931-alloy-steel-seamed-o than-welded-stainless 73062941-alloy-steel-seamed-o than-welded-stainless 73062960-iron-or-nonalloy-steel-seamed-w ext-diam 73062981-alloy-steel-seamed-o than-welded-stainless Welded stainless steel w ext. diam 406.4mm less o than circ. x-sect threaded coupled casing kind used drilling for oil gas More on HS code 73062130 |